I know, many of you have probably made one of these tie blankets before but this is the first one I've made and it turned out so cute! It is a Christmas gift for my Grandma but I love the pattern and these colors so much, I really want to keep it for myself! I won't though, I think Grandma will really like it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Look what I made!
Posted by buttafly at 10:31 PM 5 comments
Christmas Program
Ashlyn had a little Christmas Program this morning at her school. Gabe and I went to watch her little performance and she did a great job! She sang 3 songs along with the 2nd grade classes and it was really cute.
Posted by buttafly at 10:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wild Animal Park
We went to the Wild Animal Park today for a playdate and had a lot of fun with our friends!
Posted by buttafly at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Santa Sighting
We went to Ashlyn's school on Saturday for a fundraiser breakfast with Santa. The food was actuallly really good (catered by a local cafe) and the kids got to talk to Santa and pose for a picture with him. Gabe told Santa that he would really like cars, airplanes, and trains for Christmas this year. (This was the first time he has asked Santa for anything.)
Ashlyn asked for just one more Webkinz.
The Santa wasn't all that great, but he rode in on a firetruck so I suppose that makes up for his crappy costume.
Posted by buttafly at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Gabe's Portraits
Ashlyn just got her portraits done at school and I like to have Gabe's done around the same time. So Gabe and I went on a playdate at Quail Botanical Gardens and we took a few pics there. Here they are:
Posted by buttafly at 11:24 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Great Thanksgiving
So my parents and grandma drove to So Cal to see us and share Thanksgiving. We had SO MUCH fun with them while they were all here. The visit was so much fun that they were easily persuaded to stay just one more day.
Mom, Grandma, & I went to see Twilight on Sunday and we loved it. Grandma wasn't exactly sure what was going on, but she enjoyed going out to a movie anyway. We also visited an antique store, walked up and down Main Street in Fallbrook, and visited a nursery where Mom & Don picked up a couple of Hibiscus plants for our front yard. (Thanks guys!!)
We made Thanksgiving dinner together on Thursday (everything turned out great!) and enjoyed it at the brand new dining set that my parents gave us as an early Christmas gift. (We LOVE it!!!)
On Friday we all went to the zoo and had a great time seeing all of the animals. We lucked out with the weather and Grandma really enjoyed the scooter that we rented. After the zoo, we went to dinner at On the Border and then Mom and I went shopping! Yes... we sure did a lot of shopping. I got all of my Christmas shopping done for the kids!
We really had a fun visit with them all and we are so grateful to have been able to have family here to spend the holiday with us. Thanks Mom, Don, and Grandma for making this Thanksgiving memorable for us!! We love you and miss you already!
Grandpa got the plant out of the pot...
and Ashlyn put it in the ground.
Posted by buttafly at 7:43 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm so proud!
Of my little brother Jared! He has his private pilot's license and he can fly!! He and a friend of his rented a Cessna 182 and flew it down to our little airport here in Fallbrook. They are busy logging more hours and Jared is working on getting his Instrument certification (?). Apparently Fallbrook's airport has a very short landing strip (2000 feet) and Jared was a little nervous, but he landed it! He spent the night with us last night and then I took him to the French Valley Airport (only about 17 miles away) so that he could meet up with his friend and head home today. That airport's strip is 6000 feet long so I think he'll be flying into there next time! ;) We didn't have time to go up for a ride, but definitely will next time. The kids had fun checking out the cockpit though!
Posted by buttafly at 4:14 PM 1 comments
A First...
So this morning at 4:35 am, Brian and I were awakened by... an earthquake! It was so weird. I actually woke up just before the shaking by a loud noise, kind of like a buzzing. The whole thing was over before I knew it and none of my friends even knew there was a quake! I guess I am a light sleeper. It was a good shake though at 4.1. My brother had flown in yesterday and spent the night last night and I ran down right after the quake to see what he thought of the whole thing. He didn't feel the shaking, just heard the loud noise. He thought the kids were up making the noise. That was the first earthquake I've ever felt! Am I a real Californian now?
Posted by buttafly at 4:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
DisneyLand... again
Yes, we just love DisneyLand! Our passes are going to expire in December so we're trying to get more trips in while we've got them! Ashlyn had Monday and today off school for Veteran's Day so we went up yesterday morning and spent the day running around the parks. They were crowded, which surprised me a little. Usually when it starts to cool off, people don't go as much. We started at California Adventure and saw the Playhouse Disney show. We saw Mickey and his friends, Handy Manny, Little Einstein's and Tigger & Pooh and friends. Gabe really enjoyed it. We got in line for the Toy Story Mania ride (an hour line) but after only about 20 min, we found out the ride's power went out and it would be a few hours before they got it back up and running. Too bad, hope we get to see it soon! We hit up the Monsters, Inc ride and saw the Muppet 3D show before heading to DisneyLand.
Posted by buttafly at 7:30 PM 5 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Potty Training
We have been really focused on potty-training with Gabe for the past two weeks and finally, some progress!! We've tried so many times before but he has been so resistant. It's obvious that he just really has to do things on his own terms. We have had a few power struggles but for the most part, he is staying pretty dry and every day he seems to do a little better. I can't tell you how happy this makes me!! My diaper changing days are over!
Posted by buttafly at 10:21 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
Bella & Jasmine
I've been meaning to get some pictures of the new kitties up but just didn't do it! I took these today while they were napping together. I woke them up. :) Bella is the gray tabby and Jasmine is the siamese. We adopted them about a month ago (part of a promise to Ashlyn when we moved) and we've really been enjoying them! They are a lot of fun to watch. Bella's quite a bit bigger than Jasmine, but we were told they were from the same litter. So Jasmine is either a runt or not from the same litter and a month younger than Bella. We don't really care either way, we just love them!
Posted by buttafly at 12:43 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Halloween this year was so great! We found out that we live in the BEST neighborhood for Trick-or-Treating!! I had bought 10 bags of candy and it was gone so fast. We were waiting for our sister-in-law and her friend to arrive to go TOTing and while we were waiting, Gabe's friend and his mom came over to go out with us too. Then Ashlyn's friend showed up with her family and they invited her to go along with them. So I actually didn't get a picture of the two kids together! But it all worked out and here are a couple pics of the kids in their costumes. (Please pay no attention to my messy house and the cardboard boxes!)
Posted by buttafly at 7:33 PM 4 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Apple Picking in Julian
I took Gabe to Julian last week to meet our playgroup friends for apple picking at one of the local orchards. Julian is famous for their apples and more importantly, apple pie!
After filling our bag with apples, we all went to lunch together and then to the Julian Pie Co. to get a pie to take home. I got a Carmel Apple Crumb pie. It was SOOO good!!
Posted by buttafly at 10:32 AM 5 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Brian's Bike
Brian has quite a commute to get to work from our new place and let's face it, gas is expensive these days! He's wanted a motorcycle for a very long time and although I am not all that excited about him riding this thing to work everyday, he is. So here it is... the kids helped him wash it today. Now he just needs his motorcycle license! :)
Posted by buttafly at 8:28 PM 0 comments
Pic of the house
Here's a quick picture of our new house right before Brian and the kids power washed it. This weekend, I've been working on painting Ashlyn's room. Brian and I got the whole room painted today but I will have to do the trim tomorrow. I will put up some before and after pics once it's done. Ashlyn chose a pink color named "Glamour". Now when you walk into her room, it feels like you're walking into a tunnel of cotton candy!
Posted by buttafly at 8:18 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
We just bought
A HOUSE!!! I didn't want to say anything too early (and jinx it) so I waited until we closed and got the keys. We found the house at the very beginning of August and put our offer in right away. It was accepted the very next day. It was a foreclosed property so we really got a sweet deal. The house is further away from Brian's job though so unfortunately, he will have to commute. It's in Fallbrook, which is still technically in San Diego County, but barely! We are closer to Brian's brother's home so that is nice. The house is 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms... yay, I get my own scrap room!!! =) We have A LOT of work to be done on the house, paint and flooring in pretty much every room, but it is all cosmetic and it will all come in time... we are doing a little at a time. Anyway, I will be sure to get a pic up ASAP, but it may take some time. We are moving in this weekend and I am actually sitting here while the cleaning ladies finish up. (I found an open network to get online!!) I still have lots of packing to finish up!
Posted by buttafly at 11:24 AM 8 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Palm Springs... here I come!!!
I have had a horribly stressful week but tomorrow morning, I am headed for a trip with girlfriends to Palm Springs!!! We'll be there all weekend on a scrapbooking getaway. I'm hoping to get lots of scrapping done as well as just kick back and relax for a couple of days. I can't wait!!!
Posted by buttafly at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
1st Day of 2nd Grade
Ashlyn started her first day of 2nd grade on Tuesday. Last year, her school was housed in a temporary site while the middle school was being remodeled for the elementary school to move into (they built a brand new middle school for the area). The new school is closer to our house and really nice. They spent 4 million on the remodel and the building was only 10 years old to begin with!
After dropping Ashlyn off at school, Gabe and I went to "Pump It Up", an indoor inflatable play place for a playdate with some of our friends. Gabe had a great time, actually both of us did. We got quite the workout and we both especially liked the obstacle course inflatable.
Gabe going up the ladder stairs for the BIG slide.
Posted by buttafly at 10:42 AM 1 comments