My friend Laura tagged me for a survey about my spouse. So here goes:
What's his name? Brian J. Healey
How long have you been married? Married August 26, 2000, so about 7 1/2 years.
How long did you date? About a year and a half.
How old is he? 30
Who eats more? In a day, probably me. In a meal, definitely Brian. He doesn't eat all day long so he usually eats lots of dinner, especially if it is spaghetti. I eat 3 meals and a snack in the afternoon. :) He probably consumes more calories because I try to eat low calorie foods.
Who said "I love you" first? Brian.
Who is smarter? It completely depends on the subject.
Whose temper is worse? I think I have a shorter fuse but from what Brian says, his is worse (I've just never seen it).
Who does the laundry? Me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed, I sleep on the right. So I can lay on my left side.
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who cooks dinner? Me
Who drives when you are in the same car? I do. Brian doesn't really like to drive that much.
Who is more stubborn? I think this one depends on the situation.
Whose parents do you see the most? I think it's pretty equal. His parents come out about every 6 months. We go to Utah about the same amount but usually stay at my parents since they are in SLC. My parents come here often as well.
Who proposed? Brian did. I wasn't expecting it at all (at least not until spring) and when he pulled the ring out from his pocket, I was so shocked that all I could say was "Where did you get that?" He still makes fun of me for my odd reaction.
Who has more friends? Definitely I do. I need them more than he does I suppose. I'm a talker... blah, blah, blah. And I don't like to do anything alone.
Who has more siblings? Definitely him. I have one brother. He's got 8 siblings.
Who wears the pants in the family? We are pretty equal with major decisions.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Tagged again...
Posted by buttafly at 1:41 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
It's been awhile...
Well just a couple of weeks really, but I'm afraid if I don't blog soon, I may lose the momentum!
We had a strange weekend... started off really nice with Ashlyn having both Friday and Monday off from school for the President's Days. So Friday the kids and I took off and went to DisneyLand. We had a lot of fun and totally wore ourselves out! We started at California Adventure with the Aladdin Musical. If you have never seen this show, I highly reccomend it - it's excellent! After the show we headed to DisneyLand and spent the rest of the day there running around going on our favorite rides. We stood in line for an hour to go on the Finding Nemo ride. I had gone on it with my friends in December but the kids hadn't seen it and I knew they would love it. It was well worth the wait; Gabriel and Ashlyn both say it's one of their favorites now. If you go, get a fastpass, an hour is a long time with a 2.5 year old!
We also got some interesting news on Friday; the owner of the house we are renting is putting it up for sale. :( Not so good for us. We don't feel quite ready to buy yet and the plan was for us to stay in this home until we were, so that really threw a wrench into our plans. But, we are in a contract until May so we've got a little time and we'll figure something out!
Saturday we (all) met our family friends for lunch, then I went shopping with a girlfriend.
Sunday I spent the day out, very nice. I went to coffee with my good friends and then went to a half day crop where I was able to get a few projects done and socialize. :)
Monday the kids and I went to Build-a-Bear with my friend and her son (Gabe's buddy) then had lunch at Nordstrom's.
All in all it was a pretty relaxing weekend at home. And now I'm off to do the after school pickup!
Posted by buttafly at 2:45 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Trains Galore!
Gabe and I went with some friends to Balboa Park yesterday to play at Kid City (in the Science Center) and visit the Train Museum. The boys had a great time and Gabe LOVED the train museum. I thought I was going to have to drag him out of there.
Posted by buttafly at 12:18 PM 2 comments
Surprise Trip!
So last Thursday (January 31st), the kids and I packed up the car and headed to Utah to surprise my mom for her birthday on Feb 1st. We left San Diego at 4am and drove straight through to Mt. Pleasant to spend the night with Grandma & Grandpa Healey and to finally meet Jenelle's little baby Annabelle. Then Friday morning it was off to Salt Lake where Grandpa Don was expecting us, but Grandma Shelly and Great Grandma Virginia had no idea we were coming.
These pictures didn't quite come up in the order I thought they would, but I'll caption each the best I can with what was going on...
Posted by buttafly at 11:28 AM 1 comments
Baby Powder + Gabe = Big Mess!
So I was downstairs, doing my own thing (dishes, laundry, etc) and Gabriel was upstairs playing in his room. Or so I thought... I noticed the lack of noise so I ventured upstairs to check on him. I found him in my bedroom with an empty bottle of baby powder in his hand. Lucky for me, it was a trial size, rather than a full sized bottle! Here is the aftermath...
He was a little unsure while he posed for this picture. Usually he will smile when I get the camera out and say "cheese"!
Posted by buttafly at 11:22 AM 2 comments