Yes, I am back! It has been a looong 3 weeks but we're still here! It all started on Dec 18 (my birthday) when my Dad and his wife, Jennie came to visit over the Christmas holiday. They were planning on getting here on the 17th but had to stay overnight in Las Vegas because there was so much snow, I15 was shut down!!! Snow! In Vegas! They finally made it to San Diego and babysat the kids so that Brian and I could attend his work Christmas party. Since he just began working for this company in August, this was the first company party we were attending. It was SO NICE!! It was downtown at a hotel (the Sheraton, I think?) and the company paid for rooms for any employees that wanted to stay overnight. A whole night without the responsibilities of parenthood?? Sign me up! The dinner was delicious, filet mignon and chicken, a yummy salad, and all the sides... let's not forget dessert... oh and open bar! We had a great time.
This is the view from our room. You can see
Point Loma jutting out in the background.

Brian wants to print this photo into a jigsaw puzzle.
Can you imagine with all those boats??
And then of course came Christmas morning. The kids were up pretty early, around 6:30, which is normal in our house. They couldn't wait to open their gifts. They pretty much got everything they asked for (thanks to grandparents!!) Ashlyn specifically asked for a siamese kitten Webkinz and Spa Factory. We've already made some perfume and lip gloss! She also got her own digital video camera from Santa so she can record her performances. She's writing lots of secrets in her password journal while listening to her iCarly boombox!

Gabe had a lot of fun opening presents this year. He didn't try to stop at every one to play with them like he has in years past. He LOVES his Leapster 2 (if you get one, go for the recharging station!) and he is really good at the games. He also got a remote control airplane and remote control truck. Oh, and don't let me forget about the Indiana Jones lego playset or the Screamin' Banshee. I still have to go through all of his "baby" toys and clear some things out to make room to put some of these things away!

Brian and I didn't exchange gifts this year... well we kind of did... we're living in it! My mom Don got us a beautiful pub height dining table that seats 8! They brought it out at Thanksgiving and I was in total shock. The table we had been using is one that my mom handed down to us like 6 or 7 years ago! We moved that one into the kitchen and put the new one in the formal dining area where it totally makes the room. My Dad & Jennie bought us (much needed) paint! Dad bought a 5 gallon bucket while they were here and get this... actually started painting my house himself! I just finished all of the areas planned for that paint and the house looks 10 times better already!
Dad & Jennie went home in the late afternoon on Christmas Day and Brian's parents came in the very next day! See, I told you... company! It was great to see them during the holidays though. They stayed a little longer than usual and we were able to go to the Wild Animal Park to see the Festival of Lights. It's the last year they are doing it at the WAP, next year it's moving to the Zoo and it will be a little different. Bob & Sylvia left early in the morning on New Year's Eve and then... did you guess it? Cassandra and her two kids came (from Utah) to visit on New Year's Day. We seriously had guests every single day from Dec 18 to Jan 4!! We love having company though so it's all good!