Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Celebration

This morning we joined our friends in one of our playgroups (yes, I am in two!) at the park for an Easter Celebration. We enjoyed a potluck brunch (YUM!) and then the kids went on an Easter egg hunt. Guess who they found at the end? That's right, the Easter Bunny! He hand-delivered an egg to each child, which of course they all thought was very special! Gabriel said "Thank you Mister Easter Bunny!". Ashlyn wasn't very impressed by our bunny and quickly informed me that it was just a man in a bunny suit. I'm a little sad to see her suspicious at only 6 years old, but she says she is excited for the real Easter Bunny to visit us tonight.

Checking out their loot!

Gabe would have spent all day with the Easter Bunny if he could have.


mel said...

How fun! You are so busy. I don't know how you can tell if you are coming or going. You must be very organized.

buttafly said...

HA! No I am not organized at all. Just ask my friend. She is constantly reminding me to check my "consolidated" calendar because I always double book myself. It's just that there is always something to do and I always want to do it all!!

MarilynH said...

hello you :)
Thanks for the comment on my blog :) good to hear from you. Will you be here next month for janelle's wedding? I can't believe gabe is so big already!!