Tuesday morning Gabe & I went with our plalygroup to the Strawberry Fields in Carlsbad. I can't believe how many rows and rows of strawberries were growing there!! It was so neat, you just buy a little (or big) bucket and they let you loose to pick your own strawberries. Gabe picked them all himself and I must say, he did a great job because all of his berries were shiny, red, and sweet!! It didn't take us long to eat them!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Strawberry Fields Forever
Posted by buttafly at 8:54 PM 2 comments
2 Kids and a Baby
Our great friends Ryan & Danielle came to visit us this month and baby Anthony was such a big hit with my kids! They both love him so much! Ashlyn told me that she missed him 5 minutes after they left and Gabriel just asked me tonight (out of the blue) if we could go see Baby Anthony tomorrow. I have never seen my kids take such a huge interest in a baby before. It was really cute... they even fought over who got to feed him!
Thank you so much for coming to visit us Ryan, Dani, & Anthony!!! We miss you so much!! It was so great to get to know Ryan better... we love him! Can't wait to see how big Anthony is in July!!
Posted by buttafly at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Gabe and I went to LegoLand a couple of weeks ago with some of our playgroup friends. We had a lot of fun! I can't wait until Ashlyn gets out of school... I really miss her being with us when we go out for these activities.
Posted by buttafly at 8:06 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 16, 2008
New post for May
I know I haven't posted much this month, so I thought I'd stop in while I have a little time and actually blog something!
We've been keeping pretty busy with our normal activities and with the weather warming up, we've been even busier with more playdates! And since Gabe got his bike and scooter for his birthday, we spend a lot of time outside!!
School is nearing an end. This week was Ashlyn's last official week of homework although she doesn't get out for the summer until June 16th. I enrolled Gabriel into a gymnastics class and he's been doing that for about 2 months now. He really enjoys it. He's really good at walking the balance beams without any help and of course he loves the climbing!
We are excited to make our way to Utah for the 4th of July this summer and spend the holiday with the Healeys. Ashlyn is excited because she gets to stay in Utah for 10 days after we go home and spend time with all of her grandparents!
Our good friends Danielle and Ryan are flying in tonight with their little baby boy and spending the weekend with us before meeting up with their family in Laguna Beach. Then we'll meet up with them again to go to DisneyLand next week! I just love it when friends and family come to visit us!!
Posted by buttafly at 5:25 PM 3 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Gabe's Birthday Celebration
Happy Birthday, Gabriel!!!!
Posted by buttafly at 5:30 PM 3 comments