Our great friends Ryan & Danielle came to visit us this month and baby Anthony was such a big hit with my kids! They both love him so much! Ashlyn told me that she missed him 5 minutes after they left and Gabriel just asked me tonight (out of the blue) if we could go see Baby Anthony tomorrow. I have never seen my kids take such a huge interest in a baby before. It was really cute... they even fought over who got to feed him!
We went to dinner at Fred's Cafe in Old Town (YUM!) and of course, there just had to be a balloon guy there! Do your kids sucker you into these things? They get us every time! Gabe got an alien guy and Ashlyn got a pink unicorn. I thought I had a pic of her with her balloon, but apparently it didn't turn out. :(
Thank you so much for coming to visit us Ryan, Dani, & Anthony!!! We miss you so much!! It was so great to get to know Ryan better... we love him! Can't wait to see how big Anthony is in July!!
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