Friday, April 25, 2008


The Sprayground is finally open!!! It's a big play area with waterworks and we LOVE it there!! Gabe and I went just last week and he finally likes it. Last year, he would only walk around the water, avoiding getting wet, but this year, he is totally into it and it's so much fun to watch!!


Heather said...

Hey Jen! I'm glad to see that you guys are doing well. I want to talk to you so email me, ok?

Heather (from Utah)

Laura said...

I want one of these in my backyard! But then I guess that would involve moving from WI or it wouldn't get much use! :) What a great idea - I've never seen a sprayground before! Maybe when I come visit (hint hint am I invited sometime?) we can visit as Kennedy loves the water! Any plans to be in UT this summer?

buttafly said...

Laura, you are welcome to come and visit and stay with us any time you want to!!!
I will be in Utah for a short trip over 4th of July.

mel said...

That looks so fun! My girls have finally outgrown their fear of water in their faces and I think they would love that!

buttafly said...

Well girls... come out here and I will take you!!! It's cheap too, only $2/kid! Gabe was afraid all last year and would just walk around the waterworks, but this year, he's all in!!

Laura said...

JEN!! Yes! you'll be in UT over the 4th! ME too! I hope we can figure out some time to get together. I can't wait to see you and your grown up kids!