Thursday, March 4, 2010

I hate cancer.

I recently found out that my childhood friend, Danere, has stage IV mestastic breast cancer. She is 27 years old and is undergoing aggressive chemo therapy. I just keep thinking to myself how unfair it is for her to be going through this. She is young and happy and I guess I just don't understand why she got it. Really I don't understand why anyone gets cancer. It just seems like we have enough in our lives without it, so why is it neccessary?
If you pray, please pray for her. If you don't pray, any positive thoughts you can send her way would be well appreciated right now.


TheWallinFamily said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I will definitely pray for her. I have the same thoughts about cancer as you do. Nobody should ever have to go through it.

mindie said...

I am so sorry Jennifer. She will be in my prayer's.

Days Like These by Tanyetta said...

I am so sad to hear of this. She will be in my prayers for a swift recovery.

Laura said...

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope all goes well in her treatment. She'll definitely be included in our prayers.

superman said...

ohhh... I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I will really pray for her.

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